Why Are 8th Grade Students Stacking Cups?
In Math class, 8th graders used linear relationships to determine the exact number of cups it would take to reach Mr. Ranney’s height. They had to work together in organized groups to get their answers.

First Day of School!
And so it begins! Check out these photos of some of our students excited for their first day of school!

Enjoying the Great Indoors!
We love seeing the creative ways our teachers our bringing the feel of Keys School events to the homes of their students. This week our fourth-grade teachers have redesigned their annual outdoor education trip with students to be at-home friendly. If this inspires you to pitch a tent and enjoy the great indoors, here are…

Ice-Skating: A Beloved Tradition
We value the importance of movement and physical exercise at Keys, and ice-skating is so much more than a unit in our Physical Education program. Ice-skating is a cherished tradition at our school. Our relationship with Winter Lodge, our local ice-skating rink, formed way back in the early days of Keys and has remained strong…

Heather Rogers and Christine Carter Talk Gratitude
For me, reflecting on all that I am thankful for is not a yearly activity. It is a daily practice, and a part of my family’s routines. When I wake in the morning, my first thoughts are “What am I grateful for?” or around the dinner table, my family and I will share what we…

Dive in and Discover: An Introduction
Today marks the beginning of Dive in and Discover, an exciting week of learning and exploration at Keys. Divided into mixed-age groups, students in Grades K through 4 will take a deep dive into one of the topics listed below. Students will have the opportunity to explore passions, try something new, and forge cross-grade friendships,…

Keys Lower School Winter Concert!
Last night our Lower School students closed out the last school week of 2019 with a bang at their Winter Concert! This year’s concert, themed “Celebrate the Seasons: Autumn & Winter,” included a mix of familiar songs, some by “Earth, Wind & Fire” and “The Mamas and the Papas”, and new songs originated in Norway…

Keys Middle School Winter Concert!
After months of preparation, last night our middle school students performed in their Winter Concert, themed You Can Dance You Can Sing! BIG (beginning instrumental group) club, Keys Choir, and all our Middle School students presented musical pieces. Our students performed familiar holiday melodies, a Mexican folk song sung in Spanish, a composition played entirely…

National Philanthropy Day!
Happy National Philanthropy Day! Today our Development Team and Annual Fund Co-Chairs along with our Head of School handed out small tokens of thanks to our Keys community for their commit-Mint to our teachers and students.

October Celebrations
Wow, hard to believe we are in November already! Today in the spirit of gratitude, Keys shows our appreciation for our diverse and inclusive community. Here is a look back at some of the celebrations we honored in October.