The 1st-Grade Pizza Restaurant is Open
(Photos below) First graders are running a pizza restaurant over two weeks as a culmination of their Social Studies food unit. They explored where food comes from, how people get and choose their food, all of the people who work to produce food, and how food plays a role in a community—community is a larger…

Why is 5th-Grade Working With Crackers?
(More photos below) Fifth-grade Math students use Cheez-Its crackers to form an area and noodles for the perimeter. They worked to understand how to use square units for the area and spaghetti units for the perimeter. The yellow cut-outs are a Pi Day activity where the kids had to use the tangrams to make the…

Keys School Alumni Zoom Event
(Photos below) Our evening with Keys alumni on Zoom provided an excellent opportunity to hear their reflections on successfully transitioning to high school and beyond. We talked about experiences at Keys that make an impact on their lives now and the exciting paths they’ve taken since their time here. “I learned how to advocate for…

Scarf Ceremony for 8th-grade
(More photos below) Keys has a cherished and long-time tradition, started by our beloved Dot T. many years ago, of gifting all 8th graders a warm and cozy scarf lovingly handcrafted by Keys faculty, staff, and friends. This tradition continued this year as our Middle School community gathered on a chilly morning to honor our…

Happy 100th Day of School!
Happy 100th Day of School! (More photos below) Our Kindergartners and First Graders celebrated this milestone during math today through a menu of multimodal experiences—all based on ten groups of ten and counting to 100! Here they are doing 100s Aerobics (with a different dance/aerobics move for every group of ten), making 100th Day necklaces,…

8th-Grade Delivers “I Have a Dream Speech” for MLK Day
Our 8th-grade class delivered Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream Speech” together to the middle school on Friday morning, as is our tradition. To help our fifth and sixth-grade students understand some of the nuances of the speech, we spent our D Day time this week doing a close reading of a passage from the…

Second Grade Identity Celebration
(More photos below) What makes me, me? What makes you, you? These questions were the heart of the second graders’ recent Identity Unit and Celebration. Students explored visible and invisible aspects of identity in a cross-disciplinary experience intersecting social science, social-emotional learning, and DEIJ work. They created representative objects with our technology and maker space…

Organic Architecture Home Maquettes Built by 4th-grade
(Photos below) Our 4th-grade organic architects presented their completed Organic Architecture Home Maquettes to lower school faculty, staff, and students. They shared about the organic architecture homes they built and answered questions. Some key points were: The geographic locations of each home (the arctic, desert, mountains/forest, or seaside). The clients each 4th-grade artist had to…

A Cake Design Contest Brings the Middle School Together
Our fantastic student council members organized a Make, Bake, or Take cake contest. Teachers judged every one of the over twenty cakes submitted by students and evaluated their flavor and creative design. Students were even able to win cakes during the musical cake walk game.

6th-grade Explores the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
(Photos below) Exploring the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose was an exciting 6th-grade adventure. They enjoyed viewing the impressive collection of Egyptian artifacts and walking the beautiful grounds with Ms. Simpson and our team of teacher chaperones.